Big Learning for this term

We are well on the way into our learning for this term already. 

Here is the link to our learning for the term-

Final P5R T2 LO

Some of us have looked at the jump strategy in numeracy- ask your child to demonstrate how to do an addition or a subtraction sum using the jump strategy. It took a while for some of us to grasp the concept and be confident but I think we are all there now. 

Some of us have been looking at adding and subtracting 9,10 and 11 to numbers and also adding and subtracting 10s to a number such as 68 add 30 using a 100 square to support us. We have been thinking of strategies when adding 9 for example add 10 and takeaway 1 or if we are subtracting 9, minus 10 and add 1. We are getting quite confident with this. 

We are moving onto the split strategy tomorrow. Keep an eye out for us demonstrating this to you. 

We have also started looking at data handling too and all the words associated with this and what we already know about it. 

In literacy we have been looking at parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) and trying to up level our writing by including these in our sentences. We use these parts of speech on the daily but don’t always realise we are and actually what they are called.

We have also been focusing on comprehension and really trying to expand our thinking. We have been looking for the evidence in the text to help us arrive at the answer. Miss Rae has been doing lots of modelling of this to get us into the swing of this and our confidence is growing each time. 

Our ‘Through the Decades’ topic has begun and we have been exploring styles of music. We have been listening for different instruments that we can hear and thinking about how the music makes us feel. Identifying famous musicians that have influenced music today and thinking a particular style of music that we like.

We have been working on presentations on music from the 50’s and 60’s. This should be on your child’s drive so ask them to show you what they have found ahead of their presenting tomorrow. 

Lots more to come with this topic- if any families have anything they would like to share with us that was prominent for you whilst growing up from a particular decade, we would really welcome this. You will see from the learning overview what the main areas we will  be covering are, so we would love to hear from you if you have anything you can share with us! 

I have tried to upload some pictures but it doesn’t seem to like them today!

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