Week 5

Another week has gone by, every week is full on and we are progressing through our learning for the term. 

There has been a change to our PE and this will now be on a Wednesday only. PE will still be outside when possible so layers and jackets are essential.

There are a few more runny noses and colds going about in the class, so a reminder to have a wee packet of tissues and sanitiser with you so that we can keep hygiene levels up and the prevention of the spread of germs. Please remind your child to be wearing a jacket to school and during the day at break and lunch, on some days it is very cold and I am seeing children coming into school without a jacket on. 

Reminders (where possible) to be logging into Prodigy, SumDog, Typing Club and spelling shed at least once a week at home. 15 minutes on each activity once a week is only 1 hour of time but can be hugely beneficial. 

Through the decades is going well… today we had a design challenge! Ask your child what they had to do. The Page Boy haircut is a winner I feel! 

We have now looked at the jump strategy and the split strategy for both addition and subtraction. This week we are moving onto rounding and compensating. More to follow on this. 

We are focusing on the comprehension strategies in literacy this week- prediction, literal and inferential questions and activating and using background knowledge. Alongside our spelling and grammar work. 

Here’s to another great week! 

Have a good week clip art

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