Times Tables

Tomorrow, the children will come home with a times table record practise sheet. 

It will detail the table they are currently working on, I ask that at home you can sign and date and add a traffic light colour of how well they are getting on with the table (it is detailed on the sheet).

We talked at length today about how important our tables are for so many aspects of our life. All it takes is 10/15 minutes a day and they will improve so quickly. Walking home/ dinner table/ in the shower. Any spare time- practise, practise, practise.

The records need to come to school daily. As I will be also recording how they are progressing too. 

I appreciate your support with this as there needs to be more practise done out with the classroom for this one. 

Thank you! 

Wonderful Wednesday

We have had a great start to the term so far, it has been busy and the weather has been on our side for the most of it, which makes things just that little bit better. 

We started the week with thinking about what we got up to in the holidays and organised our thoughts under different headings in preparation for writing an E-mail to a class mate. Today we started our E-mails, we talked about what we need to do to begin our email and then how to structure and write an E-mail when it is to someone we know. 

We are looking forward to receiving the E-mails and replying to them. 

We also had some fun outside in the sun today 🙂 

We finished Code Name Bananas this morning and we will be writing a review of the book at the end of the week before we get back into our groups and reading activities with our assigned novels. 

A reminder that all spelling words are on Spelling Shed and should be practised at home when not in school. 

This term our focus will be on the four operations (multiplication, division, addition and subtraction) using the context of money. We did a little ‘What do we already know’ about money this morning and seems like we need to familiarise ourselves with coins and notes before we begin with other learning. 

Here are some games that can be played at home to do so. 


Times tables should also be ongoing practise at home, whether it is saying it out loud or practising using one of the websites. This will help massively when working with money. 

Looking forward to a great final term! 

Welcome Back!

I hope we all had a great Easter break, going by our chats and sharing this morning. It sounds like it was a great one had by all. 

Here are some pictures of our last few weeks in school before Easter. Jannyland is a huge hit with our class. Our cars we created were fabulous, thank you to all those who created one and presented it to the class. (I never got pictures of them all…)

Looking forward to a fun filled final term of P5. Can you believe it is coming to that time?

This term, P5R and P5F have been chosen to take part in Arts Award Discover with Inverness Creative Academy which is an introductory award certificated by Trinity College London. The course will be delivered virtually by artists Jen Smith and Sadie Stoddart every Tuesday during class time starting on 20th April. At the end of the 8 week block, we hope to hold an online exhibition where parents and carers can view the we have created. 

Before the course starts and we get going with our art, the artists have asked if pupils can please collect items from your walks over the next week – shells, feathers, leaves etc. It would be a good idea to take a tupperware out on your walks and you can press flowers in heavy books so they keep, then bring their finds into school on Monday 26th April. Ready for Tuesday. 

A reminder of water bottles, silent readers and indoor shoes needed for daily use in the classroom. PE will continue on a Wednesday this term so come dressed in clothes and be prepared for colder/wet days too.