Short but Busy Week

It has been a short week in school but it has been a busy one.

We have started looking at multiplying amounts of money by 2 and 5. We have used the strategies we already know to help us. We will be continuing with this with bigger amounts of money and also looking at sharing (dividing) money too. 

We have been using our novels in our groups to work on reading strategies, each group  has had the chance to read aloud this week which we definitely still love doing. This should also be encouraged at home too. We have been working on literal and inferential questions, prediction, synonyms and imperative verbs (bossy verbs). 

We have started a personal reading record in school and we are tracking the books that we are reading, as reading for enjoyment is something that is so important to help us develop our literacy skills. Children should have their reader at home and in school so that they are consciously making time to read. 

We have finished our street art pictures which look really good. We had a debate as to whether we think this is vandalism or art. We had a lots of great reasons for both and we came to the conclusion that as long as it enhances something and it makes it look better we think it is art. 

We have completed Part B of our log book for our Art Award and we have started to make a start on our mini books that we are creating. We started with abstract art that was inspired by the outdoors. I love how unique they all looked. 

Thank you to all those who are consistently practising their tables. I can see a marked improvement. A little often goes a long way. 

Another great week has been had, looking forward to Monday for another busy learning week.