Strategy Spotlight

Each week we are going to upload the strategy/ies we have been working on on numeracy onto the classroom so that we are able to show those we live with at home and to get some extra reinforcement whilst at home.

These can be adapted depending on the numbers the child is comfortable working with. The strategy remains the same regardless if it is a 2/3/4 digit number.

We volunteered for this and the children have done an amazing job at being the teacher. Please over the weekend, check out the videos on the classroom with your child. Make sure you click the full screen button in the bottom right so you are able to view it better. We have not got them all up yet but there are a few for you to go through. More will come next week!

Well done to those who have been involved in the #DoGoodDecember. Keep up the challenges over the weekend and we will catch up over the weekend.

Have a good one!

Funny Weekend Stock Illustrations – 3,306 Funny Weekend Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We will be taking part in the Action for Happiness Challenge #DoGoodDecember and would love if you could get on board at home too.

Each morning we will begin with sharing what we have done for the previous task and will talk about what we can do for the task for that day.  A lot of the tasks will be at home/community tasks and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated by many.

We have been set task 1 and have talked about task 2 and I look forward to hearing all about it. 

Christmas Advent Cheer

We discussed how we could spread some Christmas cheer in class this afternoon. Mrs Douglas has shared a great idea on how we can do this. I am hoping some of us will be able to send in a video, we had some keen beans earlier today.  All information you need is included in the slides below.

Advent Calendar Intro

A send off in style…

Today marks the last official day of Ms McDonald as our head teacher. The dancing queen leaves on a high in her best dress and her best dancing. We will definitely miss Ms McDonald and will be awaiting patiently for her return!

Design Challenge

We have worked really hard the last 3 afternoons to complete our design challenge and I have to say I am very impressed with the effort and care that have gone into these. 

Our task:

Design an outfit that we would wear from one of the decades we are learning about. The outfit had to fit us (our model) and it had fit the criteria for that decade. We were measuring sizes, tracing (that was a fun experience), drawing, cutting, sticking and then deciding on colours/patterns. A photo of them all complete will follow but for now, here are some of us in action. 

Can you guess the decade our outfits are from?


Week 5

Another week has gone by, every week is full on and we are progressing through our learning for the term. 

There has been a change to our PE and this will now be on a Wednesday only. PE will still be outside when possible so layers and jackets are essential.

There are a few more runny noses and colds going about in the class, so a reminder to have a wee packet of tissues and sanitiser with you so that we can keep hygiene levels up and the prevention of the spread of germs. Please remind your child to be wearing a jacket to school and during the day at break and lunch, on some days it is very cold and I am seeing children coming into school without a jacket on. 

Reminders (where possible) to be logging into Prodigy, SumDog, Typing Club and spelling shed at least once a week at home. 15 minutes on each activity once a week is only 1 hour of time but can be hugely beneficial. 

Through the decades is going well… today we had a design challenge! Ask your child what they had to do. The Page Boy haircut is a winner I feel! 

We have now looked at the jump strategy and the split strategy for both addition and subtraction. This week we are moving onto rounding and compensating. More to follow on this. 

We are focusing on the comprehension strategies in literacy this week- prediction, literal and inferential questions and activating and using background knowledge. Alongside our spelling and grammar work. 

Here’s to another great week! 

Have a good week clip art

Music Styles from the 50’s and 60’s

Yesterday we presented our findings on different music styles from the 50’s and 60’s.

We were given topic areas we had to find out about and then we had to put together the information on slides and present it to the rest of the class. This was our first time doing this, this year and I have to say I was impressed with how we tackled the task and what we produced. 

We successfully found out about the different styles and we were able to add in links and pictures to support our findings. 

Before we presented we talked about what we would be looking for, for a successful presentation and I could tell that most of us were really making an effort to include these whilst presenting. Share with someone at home what we were looking for. We provided some constructive feedback to our class mates by giving them 2 positives and something for them to work on. 

On the whole, we need to work on the information that we include and what is relevant and what is not but we have a starting point now and we know where we are going. We talked about things such as being able to pronounce the words we have included, making sure you know the meanings of words you have included and how we know what information is what we actually need to tell people. So we have lots to work on and we will revisit doing a presentation next term once we have done some work on the above areas. 

Big Learning for this term

We are well on the way into our learning for this term already. 

Here is the link to our learning for the term-

Final P5R T2 LO

Some of us have looked at the jump strategy in numeracy- ask your child to demonstrate how to do an addition or a subtraction sum using the jump strategy. It took a while for some of us to grasp the concept and be confident but I think we are all there now. 

Some of us have been looking at adding and subtracting 9,10 and 11 to numbers and also adding and subtracting 10s to a number such as 68 add 30 using a 100 square to support us. We have been thinking of strategies when adding 9 for example add 10 and takeaway 1 or if we are subtracting 9, minus 10 and add 1. We are getting quite confident with this. 

We are moving onto the split strategy tomorrow. Keep an eye out for us demonstrating this to you. 

We have also started looking at data handling too and all the words associated with this and what we already know about it. 

In literacy we have been looking at parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) and trying to up level our writing by including these in our sentences. We use these parts of speech on the daily but don’t always realise we are and actually what they are called.

We have also been focusing on comprehension and really trying to expand our thinking. We have been looking for the evidence in the text to help us arrive at the answer. Miss Rae has been doing lots of modelling of this to get us into the swing of this and our confidence is growing each time. 

Our ‘Through the Decades’ topic has begun and we have been exploring styles of music. We have been listening for different instruments that we can hear and thinking about how the music makes us feel. Identifying famous musicians that have influenced music today and thinking a particular style of music that we like.

We have been working on presentations on music from the 50’s and 60’s. This should be on your child’s drive so ask them to show you what they have found ahead of their presenting tomorrow. 

Lots more to come with this topic- if any families have anything they would like to share with us that was prominent for you whilst growing up from a particular decade, we would really welcome this. You will see from the learning overview what the main areas we will  be covering are, so we would love to hear from you if you have anything you can share with us! 

I have tried to upload some pictures but it doesn’t seem to like them today!

Pin on Classroom Clipart



Week 1 of Term 2

Week 1 is done! 

What a great week we have had. It has flown by, I am impressed with our attitude and energy towards our learning. 

We have started looking at different strategies for addition and subtraction. Miss Rae carried out some little assessments on us to see where we are in our thinking and it was very interesting to see/hear how our wonderful brains work. From doing the assessments we started to look at adding and subtracting 9 and seeing what strategies we have been using. We then did adding and subtracting 19 and interestingly some of us did the same strategy and others chose a different strategy. I love this about maths, there is not one way to work something out. We talked about how the answer is not actually the most important part of doing a sum. It is our thinking and being able to explain our thinking. We are definitely getting better at this rather than ‘just knowing it’. Ask me how I add/subtract 9/19 and see how it differs from what you do. 

Next week we will be looking at jump strategies and the split strategy. More to follow when we have done our thinking… 

We looked at El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) and we explored what this means and how it is celebrated by some. COCO is a great film to watch as family which really explores this and highlights the ways that you can remember loved ones. 

We have created some skulls which are a big feature of El Dia de los Muertos and we are going to create a little fact file to demonstrate our understanding. Pictures to follow.

We have been exploring the purpose of a dictionary and how it is important to be able to  use one. We have looked at alphabetical order and also identifying types of words (nouns, verbs and adjectives) and using them for looking up definitions of words.

Our new topic is going to be introduced next week and it’s set to be a really interesting one! 

Have a great weekend, hopefully some of you are going on the TattyBogle Trail. I am truly amazed at the amount of effort our community has gone to! I can’t wait to have a wander!

8,134 Day Of The Dead Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock