We made it!

It is the final day of remote learning (hopefully ever) and I can just sense from the children this week and particularly this morning, they are very excited to be back, as am I!

It has been a long but great 9 weeks and I am really looking forward to having us all together again. The 3 weeks that we have in school will be busy but fun. We will be having lots of time to build relationships up again and get outside as much as possible. We will be revising and revisiting all the learning that we have covered over the last 9 weeks and that will put us in a great place for term 4. 

Please make sure you have read the guidance about returning to school with your child/ren so that they are aware of what to expect. Our safety is the most important.


A few things that I would like us to all be prepared with for Monday:

  • A full water bottle, and a spare if need be.

  • Indoor shoes

  • A silent reader

  • A pencil case with all they will need.

  • A warm jacket

See you all on Monday! Have a fabulous weekend!

Clipart see you soon

The End is in Sight!

Happy Monday to you all!

Well… I think we will all be happy that the end is near. One more week to go and then we will all be reunited. It’s been a long time coming. 

I have been so impressed with the work ethic of the children over the last 8 weeks, I am super proud of them and couldn’t of had a better class to learn online with. I am really looking forward to having them all back with me next week!

Here is our final plan for the week- the most essential task that the children do is the ‘short story surprise’. We will be using these in class next week, so if you could make sure they complete this by Friday I would really appreciate it. 

Week 9 Plan

We have covered a lot of areas and a lot of skills over the last 8 weeks and I am looking forward to seeing all of this in action when we return on Monday. From finding angles, to learning about different types of angles and triangles to measuring angles and triangles interactively, from learning what speech marks look like, what they are used for and how to use them, from researching an influential person to creating a book about them, from researching different cars to then creating and building their own car, from learning timetables to learning to multiply and divide by 10/100, from listening to a local author’s book to writing a letter of thank you, we have really covered sooo much. It has been a special 8 weeks. 

Thank you for your continued, ongoing support at home, it is very much appreciated and enjoy next Monday when it comes! 

We can do this! 

Updated Guidance

As you are all aware , we are still going to be remote learning for a while so below is some updated guidance and reminders of what that might look like for the next coming weeks. 

We have made some changes, so it will be useful if you can go through this with your child/ren at home and make sure they know about these. This has also been posted in the classroom for reference as well. 

Thank you for all your continued support and hopefully it won’t be too long until we are all back together in the building. 

In the meantime, stay safe.


Happy Friday

Another week has flown in! The kids energy and enthusiasm is sure keeping me going. Their faces on the meets and their morning comments really do brighten up my day! 

We have had a real busy week this week:

spelling activities, 

story planning for our own piece of writing coming next week,

listening to ‘The Dog Walking Consortium’ 

story mapping ‘The Dog Walking Consortium’ with what we have heard so far and picturing that as a little map to show our understanding,

identifying right angles and creating an angle monster,

using what we know about ‘Pop Art’ to create our own piece of art,

using arrays to help us visualise times tables,

reading for enjoyment,

interpreting bar graphs by answering questions. 

It sure has been a busy one, thank  you all for the support and a big well done to all the children for their engagement and hard work. 

Have a lovely restful weekend! 

Here are some pictures from our ‘Diversity Day’

Happy Friday!

I don’t know about you, but I am so glad it is Friday. It has been a busy week and down time is definitely needed from my side and I am sure you are feeling the same.

That is us come to the end of 2 weeks of remote learning. It has flown in I feel. I am super impressed with the level of engagement on the whole and I am working my way through the handed in work and providing feedback on that at the moment. I was trying to do this across the week but it hasn’t fully gone to plan.

A few pointers just to take note of:

I am creating docs and slides for the children so that they can be typed on straight away, takes away pressure of the children having to do it (unless it’s an activity that is on paper or to be demonstrated in a way that they choose). This should then be submitted/handed in and NOT shared. It is very difficult to manage when you have documents being shared and handed in. When they are handed in,  it is all in one place for me.

On the weekly plan, I have put ** next to the work I will be providing written feedback, this should be a responsive process. I will look at the work, provide feedback, return it, if changes need to be made. The child should then look at the feedback, act upon it and then submit it again for me to look at. If the work is not handed in, I am not going to search for it because it is already a huge amount of work to provide feedback on.

When the work is assigned, it is just a guide as to when you do it/submit it but I would appreciate all work for the given week (that you choose to do/hand in) is handed in by the Friday, as if not it runs into the next week and it becomes unmanageable.

Here is the learning for the next few weeks whilst we are still at home:

Online Learning Overview T3 P5R

I will continue to provide a weekly plan for you and the children so that you are able to plan your week out.

I hope you all find some time this weekend to rest and recharge, have a good one! 

Get your Happy On, it's Friday! - A Thrifty Diva


Week 2 Plan

Here we are into week 2 already, below is the plan for the week. 

I am super impressed with the engagement and effort from last week and really hope it continues. I asked the children for feedback on the week and it was very positive so that makes me happy. 

I hope things are okay and manageable for you all at home, but please only do what is best for you. As the weeks progress the children will become more independent, they are doing such a fabulous job. 

Have a great week.

Week 2 plan

SunDance Graphics | Image Detail - 12342G - You've Got This!

Week 1 Plan!

So sorry…I actually posted it on my old class blog. It was put up on Monday but none of you would have seen it. So I apologise about that. 

Good morning, I hope you all had a restful holiday.

Below is the weekly plan for the children for the week beginning 11/1. 

This has been attached to their classroom and I have added a column ‘completed’ for the children who wish to track the work that they have done. There are no set days and times that the children must complete the work but there is a guide to what they could do in terms of frequency. I understand there are lots of different situations at home and don’t want to put pressure on families that is not necessary. 

Week 1 Plan

I hope this week has gone well and been a positive one! 

Have a great weekend! 

Do Good December

Our Action for Happiness Challenge is going well and we are demonstrating lots of evidence of the kind things that we are doing. 

Day 9, 10 and 12 are looking a bit sad and empty so our focus is to try and add some evidence to these over the next few days. Please encourage this at home. img_7450

Tomorrow is also set to be a lovely one!

Christmas get up for the next 2 days, or come as you, should you wish to.


Still looking for a a lot of stones, our activity tomorrow will not be able to go ahead without them. 

Please can  you pick some up from your garden or on your way home from school etc today. 

I would really appreciate it.


A few little asks

For one of our activities next week we will need little stones that we can decorate. Over the weekend if you are able to locate some small/medium stones when you are out and about and bring them in on Monday that would be greatly appreciated.

We are also running low on anti-bacterial wipes and soap. If you are able to donate some we would greatly appreciate it.

Christmas lunch for us in on Thursday. But we are able to dress as festive as we like on Wednesday and Thursday. I’m on a Christmas jumper a day each day of December so I look forward to seeing you all dressed up. Equally if Christmas get up is not for you please come as you are and wear clothes of your own choice!

Happy Thursday and I will see you all tomorrow!

Thank you for the support!